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( Ludmila le 03/05/2005 )
I am Russian and I know only English. I will be in Paris in April and live near "Cardinal Lemoine" a metro station. I have never been in Paris and do not know anybody in Paris. I ask you very much please give me an advice where
to eat: good restaurants and cafe with real French cuisine.
Thank you very much.
Lucy [email protected]
re-hello ( patrick le 11/03/2005 )
Hi Ludmilla,
Don't worry about finding any good french restaurants. Your hotel (?) is practically in the centre and near Rue Mouffetard, where there are loads of restaurants. I'm not a big fan of French Cuisine but I can give you a few addresses:
-Comme Cochons, 135 rue de Charenton, 12ieme;
-Sur un arbre Perché, 1 rue du 4 septembre, 2ieme;
-Le Vigneron, 18-20 rue du Pot de Fer, 5ieme.
Have a nice stay!
reply ( Ludmila le 12/03/2005 )
Hi Patrick!
Thank you very much. I will try these restaurants. I wish you the best in life. Thanks a lot.
Sincerely Ludmila
( jess le 20/04/2005 )
im english how r u??

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