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info about maxime's

( Alessandro le 12/11/2002 )
Hi everybody; I'm writing you because i'd need some info about the restaurant maxime's. I'm gonna come with my wife in paris for christmas, and i thought a nice surprise would be go and have a dinner there. But i need some infos, i can't found any official site (does it exists? no, right?)so...i asku u; can i? Hope yes! First of all, is any kind of wear needed? Of course i'm not gonna go there with tennis shoes and a football t-shirt, but i mean, do i need is something like a tie? or an elegant shirt is enough? Then the price. How much can i spend in a place like that? For that evening i have a 'budget' of 400 €, i hope it is enough! I mean, an entree, first, second, dessert. No wine, both me and my wife don't drink. Lastly, what kind of place is that? I mean, i really do not have idea, i just know the 'myth', the legend of maxime's but i really don't know what kind of place it is! Thanks everybody; uh, i can understand french prettily, so for the answer there's no problem!
( Patrice le 23/12/2002 )
Hi Alessandro
Of course, Maxim's has its homepageweb www.maxims-de-paris.com in english and in french. This restaurant is very famous and very very expensive. But I am not very sure about its cooking. Not very awfull, but not too good. And 400€ for two without wine, I think, it's just enough. Be careful, reservation for New year is now full. Of course Mawim's is really a legend and the décoration like furnitures are wonderfull, the place too. The great specialities, foie gras from Souillac and caviar
merci! ( alessandro le 23/12/2002 )
Thanks pat! If u're so kind, i'd have another question: how good is the restaurant on the tour eiffel? is it just a "place for tourists", or an effectively good place to eat to? Thanks again for your kindness, greetings and merry xmas!
Jules Verne ( Patrice le 24/12/2002 )
Yes Allessandro, the restaurant on the first floor of Eiffel Tower is calling "Jules Verne". The panoramic point of view on Paris is really top, but this place is expensive and not really good. Some parisians and lot of foreign tourists appreciate it. Eiffel tower is always a magic place for magic words. Lots friends of mine declare their loves to their futur wives in this restaurant.

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